Thursday, February 5, 2015

Daniel (Extra Credit)

Please read Chapter 1-7 and Chapter 12 of Daniel. What do you see in the stories that might have helped Ancient Israel provide ethical guidance or emotional fulfillment?  What do you see here that show something about how Ancient Israel taught the world "new ways to dream"?


  1. By reading these stories I think that this helped Ancient Israel provide emotional fulfillment by when the three guys were thrown into the fire and thought there was a fourth one, but not only that the three guys lived! I think it showed people of Israel that something much higher up is responsible for protecting these men.People like knowing they are in safe hands especially since Israel had been going through really tough times. I think they taught the world about "new ways to dream" by showing them what could or would happen if they did not listen, by showing them that they ended up happening makes people want to be prepared. Also I think it is good to keep in mind that they showed that they didn't have to be like some other religions that believed in many gods.

  2. Even though chapter 1-6 is more about himself and his own captivity he was working for the king Nebuchadnezzar.he and his friends made a tough decisions being against to the king and standing together in their movement,like rejecting the kings food and praying at a time which weren't allowed to do so these helped them as their main initial point for ethical guidance and emotional fulfillment while standing and living together as a society.
    Thomas Haile

  3. The one God kept providing and proving true in the cases of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who put their full trust and faith into God. As God answered and Nebuchadnezzar saw, this provided both ethical guidance and emotional fulfillment. He saw that this God answers to those whom trust in him and who follow his word. If the people follow the word of God, they will be saved, which gives them the guidance they need.

  4. These men were an example to all of their people. They were an example of how no matter what, their God would protect those who were loyal to them. The men were ready to die if that was Gods will. They knew that even if protection meant the death of their physical bodies, the reward would be much greater than the sacrifice. The degree to which these men followed God would serve to inspire their people and provide emotional fulfillment.

  5. I have always enjoyed reading the book of Daniel. Daniel is the protagonist in this story, obviously. He gave the Israeli people emotional fulfillment through these examples many actions. The story shows the people how to have hope through the three men that survived their fiery death by keeping faith in their God. Daniel himself shows people how to be faithful as well when he continued worshiping his God even when the government officials began making nasty accusations against him. Daniel shows people that you can repent for your bad deeds and start over when he interpreted the tree dream. This definitely shows the people how to dream.There is also the focus on good deeds instead of personal gain. When Daniel said he would interpret a dream for the king without the gifts and status he was offered, this gave the people a great example to live by. Daniel even gives people ways to incorporate emotional fulfillment in what he didn't through his story. This is especially evident. What I am referring to is when Daniel didn't go and tell everyone his fears from the dream interpretations. This is an important lesson as many people then and now say everything they think. "Pray more, complain less," could be the lesson the Israeli people learned from this in the story.

    Perhaps the ultimate way that Daniel gave people new ways to dream was by believing that God would protect him in the Lion's Den. I interpret (ha ha) this story showing people how we can make it through hard times by believing and keeping our eyes on what is right. All in all, Daniel succeeded in delivering the overall message that faith is the defender of the Israeli people.

  6. Because Daniel and the three others were so confident that God would keep them safe shows ethical guidance. If you give your life to God and live a good life He will protect you. This gives people reason to live right instead of taking a selfish path. Overall Daniel spread ethical guidance to the Israeli people.

  7. This was thoroughly enjoyable to read. Right off the bat we really see lots of separation in this society, primarily in the religious views of it citizens and how committed they are to religion. I believe that God blessed Daniel and his friends to help unify society. When Daniel was able to predict Nebacenezzur's Dreams and find meaning in them, it was the first proof that their God is powerful. The second time this happened was when Daniel's friends were thrown into the furnace, and again when Daniel was saved from the lions. All of these acts proved that there is a higher power out there and that worshiping God is what citizens need to look out for. It unified the leadership as well as the people under this sense of faith, and emotional fulfillment. By the very beliefs that God commands. ethic guidance also fell into place.

  8. These stories in the book of Daniel provided ethical guidance for the people of Ancient Israel because they witnessed two separate occasions where individuals would have certainly died without the help of God. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the furnace, King Nebuchadnezzar could see four men standing in the furnace, with one of these men appearing "like a son of the gods." The three men survived the furnace in the same way that Daniel survived being thrown into the lion's den. This showed that the people of Ancient Israel could overcome any challenges as long as they worshiped the one, true God.

  9. These chapters in the book of Daniel show Ancient Israel that there is a source of ethical guidance and emotional fulfillment, and that source is God. Daniel and his friends provide us with evidence that bad things happen to good people, but by still giving your heart to God and not giving up, you can be saved. This is exactly what happened with Daniel in the Lion's Den. With real-life evidence like this, the people of Ancient Israel were shown what true ethical guidance and emotional fulfillment was and how they could get to that point. By following Daniel's lead, Ancient Israel taught the world "new ways to dream," by believing that the one true God is the only thing that can save the human race.
    Heather Fuhrmann

  10. Ethical guidance is what we may find in Daniel and his friends, but oh what of the rest of the world!?!? I mean Nebuchadnezzar is flipping crazy, and Belshazzar is none the better. Emotional fulfillment is easy to find in the fact that they still believe in their god in the midst of oppression. I think that we can all learn that if you do what is right in your heart you should be sailing fairly straight. Unless you're Nebuchadnezzar which means that you, as well as your offspring, are fairly out of your minds!

  11. In all honestly I actually have never read the book of Daniel until it was assigned to this class. I admired how he really emotionally bossed up the people of Israel through keeping his own faith. Even though the government was against him and accusing him, he showed the people that his faith and love of God was much greater. He also instills a small reminder in the people that success is not final, failure is not fatal. That if we pray and are truly sorry for our sins, we will be forgiven. I also see Daniel as a very strong person when he doesn't go to the people and tell them of all the fearful dream interpretations, but instead, continues to show them to grow in their love for God. - Katie Wegleitner
